Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We’ve created this page to tell interested veterinarians just a bit more about our practice than a standard employment ad allows. We all know the most important thing (and the most difficult to know about in advance) in a job situation is compatibility. The interview and job seeking process is ultimately so that both parties can find out as much about each other in advance as possible. Employment ads, phone calls, e-mails, interviews, and working interviews are all part of this process, and we hope that by elaborating just a bit more here we can augment those other components.
More information about our practice can be found on the main website or our Facebook page, so we won’t go into much here. We are a large, independent practice with many of the benefits you will find in corporate practices without the emphasis on profitability over people. We have been in practice since 1996; Dr. Mathews (Medical Director) was here when the first client walked through the door 25+ years ago. Since then, our practice has continued to evolve—the philosophy of meeting clients where they are and taking care of our employees has not changed. We are one of the largest non-chain practices around, and the largest period between Austin and San Antonio. We have an active social media presence through our Facebook page (4,000 + likes), e-mail, and our app. We are well equipped; fully computerized with comprehensive in-house lab, ultrasound, and more (see below). We do have access to a wide variety of local referral hospitals, but also make use of mobile surgeons, echocardiography, and ultrasound services so we can keep quite a bit in house and our veterinarians aren’t forced to refer anything but the most major cases.
Our building is modern, clean, and user-friendly. We have a small grooming and boarding area, but this is not our focus. We don't spend hours working with boarding dogs and diarrhea. It was built in 2002 specifically for a veterinary hospital, recently remodeled and expanded, and includes 4 well appointed exam rooms, a large treatment area, private, off street parking, dedicated office and personalized desk space for veterinarians, 2 staff showers, a large staff lounge, dedicated double dental suite, feline specific housing, and more.
Many of our equipment purchases have been driven by professional staff interest, expertise, and recommendations. We remain willing to discuss new opportunities to improve the quality of our practice through sound equipment investments and other program development.
Our pricing, client base, support staff and management structure allows opportunity for high income commensurate with experience, production ability and/or special interests.

The support staff is the most important part of our practice. Whether you are paid directly on production or not, you simply cannot practice to your earning potential without excellent support staffing. You can find more out about our staffing here at a page we maintain for lay positions. Although finding and maintaining qualified lay staff is more of a challenge than it used to be, we are generally able to maintain full support staff.
Kyle is conveniently located between Austin and San Antonio and within commuting distance of both. Our staff resides in both cities and many smaller towns in between in the Austin-San Antonio corridor. Whether you prefer the cosmopolitan feel of Austin, the more laid back but still bigger city environment of San Antonio, or any number of small towns in between such as San Marcos, New Braunfels, Seguin, Buda, or Kyle, the Central Texas area has it all. We are a gateway to the Texas Hill Country, and the opportunity for outdoor pursuits abounds. You can even make a day trip to the Texas gulf coast. The area’s growth is solid and consistent, while at the same time the cost of living ranks consistently low.
Texas Parks &Wildlife Department destinations within 100 miles Austin
Our ideal candidate has 2 to 5 years of experience in small animal medicine. They exhibit thorough diagnostic capabilities and strong case-management abilities. Surgical skills, while always valued, are not a priority for this position. Our ideal candidate can juggle multiple medically-intensive cases at once, and is comfortable delegating most treatment tasks to trained technicians. Teamwork is important, but we all know teamwork is often an euphemism used by employers to mean “long hours and low pay.” At Kyle Animal Hospital, we are looking for someone who can relate well one-on-one to technicians, and oversee several at once. Obviously communication skills, especially to clients, are more important than teamwork among veterinarians. Not required, but appreciated, is AAFP feline-friendly designation or desire to pursue.
You are encouraged to apply even if you do not meet all of the listed criteria.
This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive description of our practice and the position; it is meant to give you an idea of some of the intangibles that are vitally important to a lasting employment relationship. Every employer can (and all do) say they practice "high quality medicine in a rewarding atmosphere" with a glitzy ad. It's up to you to see what actions they take to truly provide that work environment. Look around the rest of our website, our Facebook page, and most importantly, call or e-mail Dr. Mathews directly ( or 512-268-5003 X 101) if you would like to discuss anything further.
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